Sunday, October 30, 2011

Deafault menu Animation For Nokia S60v3

This application is used to change menu animation, commissioning and down, operator logo and the circle menu. Everything can change if the use of this menu, as well as animation. Wink
Support: N81, N78, N79, N85, 6220, N96 and 5800XM (all the animation effects you can use the theme of the phone can be!)


*(Only For Themes Effect Phone - OS9.3 & OS9.4)*

New Update :
*All effects update with Speed-Turbo Manifest file by dscobsct.
*Add 8 new effects (Infinity, Atlantis, Zoom Extreme, Swerve1&2, Fresh, Pipen Remix, Quake, Fiolet, Focus & Merchane).
*Fixed installation time in one pack.
*Fixed Own Effects bugs on previous version by manual selecting effects file.

New Feature :
*Add Multi Setup for setup Startup & Shutdown animation & Operator logo.
*Add Change Menu Circle (Open-App. Icon) options & shortcut for FontrouterMan.
*Alert sound.
*Add search field on animations selection menu.


1. Apply Effects :
*Hacked Phone.
*Apply Open4all & c2z on Rompatcher.
*Open themes application & turn On themes effect.
*Running application & choose animations.

2. Apply Own Effects :
*Go to Multi Setup options - Own Effects & choose your own effect file(for Touch Screen - cursor MUST in effects folder, for Non Touch Screen - Press right joystick on effect folder) to applied.

3. Change Startup & Shutdown :
*Go to Multi Setup options - select your options to change & choose your file.

4. Change Operator Logo :
*On Multi Setup options, select Operator Logo - Enter Code (MCC_MNC) & choose your mbm file.
(Not sure for Os9.4)

5. Change Menu Circle :
*For N97 (Phone used gridroot.mbg file) users, choose ~N97~.
*Others model (included Omnia HD), choose ~OTHERS~.
*Restart menu (Menu-Options-Exit-Menu) to take effect. If not, restart your phone.

**(Restart phone for full effect)** 

*Please delete 101f873.cre on ("C:\private\101f8763\persists\101f8763.cre") before apply startup & shutdown options..

*Extract powlite_fm(mod) to !:\resource\powlite_fm.. (!= Python disk).. 

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