Monday, October 24, 2011

Secret codes for Samsung mobile phones

All these codes are obtained from different sources on the internet. I tested only a few. Some of these may not work on all models. Therefore, please try at your own risk.

Software version: * # 9999 #

IMEI number: * # 06 #

Serial number: * # 0001 #

Memory capacity: * # 9998 * 246 #

Debug Screen: * # 9998 * 324 # or * # 8999 * 324 #

Kontrast LCD: * # 9998 * 523 #

Vibration test: * # 9998 * 842 # or * # 8999 * 842 #

Test and alarm tone: * # 9998 * 289 # or * # 8999 * 289 #

Smiley: * # 9125 #

Software version: * # 0837 #

Display contrast: * # 0523 # or * # 8999 * 523 #

Battery information: * # 0228 # or * # 8999 * 228 #

Memory capacity: * # 8999 * 636 #

SIM card information: * # 8999 * 778 #

Time and alarm clock: * # 8999 * 782 #

Display during warning: * # 8999 * 786 #

Hardware version: * # 8999 * 837 #

Network information: * # 8999 * 638 #

Display received channel number and received intensity: * # 8999 * 9266 #

Software version: * # 1111 #

Firmware Version: * # 1234 #

Hardware version: * # 2222 #

All versions: * # 8999 * 8376263 #

Test Menu: * # 8999 * 8378 #

GPSR Tool * # 4777 * 8665 #

LCD Brightness * # 8999 * 523 #

Error Log menu: * # 8999 * 377 #

EEP Menu * # 8999 * 327 #

Debug mode: * # 8999 * 667 #

Model} {Wap phone: * # 92782 #

JAVA Mode * # 5737425 #

Call list: * # 2255 #

Bluetooth MAC Address * # 232337 #

Java version: * # 5282837 #

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