Friday, October 14, 2011

Use Androd OS on Iphone / Apple , Iphone IOS/Android double boot

Here is the most easiest way to use Android operating system on any iPhone model.
To do this you will need to to have a Jailbreak-en iPhone.

So 1st time jailbreak your phone via anyone of those tools:

  • PwnageTool
  • Redsn0w
  • Blackra1n
Usually i  did use Redsnow. its easy and take a short time to jailbreak iPhone.

Go to cydia on your iPhone. then click Manage> Sources> Edit> Add . Now add this URL as a source  . In this source you will get a package named Bootlace  . Install it.
 ( installation time will depend on your internet speed)

 After installation open the application . Than Install openiboot .

After its installation select idroid from the right side. it will take some more moment to install. after completing idroids installation. Go to the quicboot application . Now touch Android. your phone will restart.

its complete . Now use Android &  IOS in your iPhone. Get some more pics below.


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