Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's new in Android 4.0: IceCream Sandwich / Review about Android 4.0: IceCream Sandwich

The latest and greatest:

Screens can now cover the entire device. Home, Back, Menu and the Search Now button function buttons
Go to the right to throw things out and eliminate, for example, recently opened applications and notifications
Zoom Calendar
Screenshot and retention capacity and volume down buttons
  Voice mailing the call log. You can speed up or slow down the voice mail too
Sync people information, including images High Res, social networks
Login with your face. Camera detects real faces to prevent logging in using a picture
Touch (or pull?) A beam web pages, contacts and using NFC
New semi-circular optimized HD source: Roboto
Pan the camera to capture panoramas single motion, more seamless
Edit photos after the capture and stylize using filters
Write with your voice, no translation to wait
Rejecting an incoming call, but with a personalized message
A restriction of use of data and avoid excess carriers within the limits
New Gmail that lets you glide through new posts
Finally, go to a lot of time shooting and the press everywhere.

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